Partners Columbus

Partners Columbus Program
One-on-One Chavruta learning is all about questioning, challenging, and learning from one another. It's also personal -- allowing you to study at your own speed and level.
Join our One-on-One Chavruta (Study Partner) learning on Wednesday nights, when we study individually and as a community about subjects such as Jewish philosophy, the Weekly Torah Portion, Hebrew reading, and the Jewish questions you've always wondered about and never asked.
One-on-One Chavruta learning is all about questioning, challenging, and learning from one another. It's also personal -- allowing you to study at your own speed and level. Want to learn more or check it out? Sign up below for more information and we'll follow up to get you started!
*Can't make it Wednesday evenings? No problem. Let us know you are interested, and we'll find you a chavruta at a time that is convenient for you.